Laser Scar Revision Southfield, Michigan

Lift. Shape. Rejuvenate.

This minimally invasive facial procedure dramatically improves the appearance of facial aging, fine lines, wrinkles, and lax or drooping skin. Specially formulated threads simulate collagen growth and focus on rejuvenating and lifting underlying tissues in the midface, forehead, brows, cheeks, nose, jowls, and neck to regain the heart-shaped face of youth. Dr. Beauty is dedicated to reversing signs of facial aging and creating beautiful, smooth, and lifted skin through our elite thread lift facial rejuvenation treatment. Dr. Beauty is a leading provider of thread lift facial rejuvenation in Southeast Michigan.


Am I a Good Candidate for a Thread Lift?

A suitable candidate for thread lift facial rejuvenation at Dr. Beauty will want to correct the following signs of facial aging or characteristics:

  • Drooping, aging skin with loss of volume
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Lack of definition in the jawline or double chin
  • Wish to accentuate eyebrow arch
  • Indented nasolabial folds (lines by the nose to mouth)
  • Lax neck skin

Thread lift candidates should also be in good physical and mental health and have an accurate understanding of the possible results, risks, and costs related to the treatment.

The Benefits of Thread Lift Facial Rejuvenation

The benefits for a thread lift facial rejuvenation at Dr. Beauty include:

Safe and gradually absorbed PDO threads that lift and reshape brows, midface, forehead, and neck area to restore “V-shape” to the face

  • Special threads facilitate elastin and collagen production for firmer, more resilient skin
  • Effective, minimally invasive with little to no downtime
  • Dramatic and instant results that last 6-18 months after one customized session

Thread Lift Consultation

A thread lift consultation at Dr. Beauty will involve an assessment of your face. You and Dr. Awada will talk about your skin concerns and appearance goals. Dr. Awada will carefully evaluate the areas of your face that you are interested in rejuvenating.

You will be asked about your complete medical history to ensure that the treatment will be safe and effective for you. Dr. Awada will discuss your treatment plan and goals, and she will give you instructions for treatment preparation and aftercare.

The Thread Lift Procedure Process

Meticulous measurement is involved in achieving your facial aesthetic ideal. Dr. Mariam Awada will measure where the needles will be placed and administer a local anesthetic, so you feel no pain. Through a small poke, she gently moves the special collagen-producing thread through predestined areas on the skin; the string is then pulled and tied at its exit to lift and reposition facial skin. The string will dissolve and produce collagen in time, improving the elasticity of the skin to reverse signs of aging and revive the heart-shaped face of youth.

Thread Lift Aftercare

After your treatment, you can freely resume your work or daily activities without any need for recovery. Avoid taking a shower or washing your hair during the first 24 hours to allow the threads fully adjust into the deeper layers of the skin.

Take a break from exercise and avoid hot showers for at least one week to prevent your skin from sweating and to help maintain the thread lift’s effectiveness.

After 24 hours, once you are free to wash your face, apply gentle strokes to clean the face and use the recommended skincare products.

The results of a thread lift treatment can last up to 6 to 18 months. Depending on Dr. Awada’s recommendation, you may be able to return for another thread lift treatment to maintain your youthful glow.

How Much Does Thread Lift Facial Rejuvenation Cost in The Southeast Michigan Area?

Dr. Beauty takes pride in transparent pricing and pioneers as one of the most trustworthy and reasonably priced places for a thread lift facial rejuvenation in Southeast Michigan, and the surrounding areas. A thread lift ranges from $1,200 to $2,000 depending on the type of thread lift used and the number of facial areas targeted.

Contact Us to Learn More

To learn more about the benefits of a thread lift in Detroit, contact Dr. Beauty and schedule a consultation today. Dr. Awada will be available to evaluate your skin and help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Are There Any Other Alternatives to Thread Lift Rejuvenation?

Popular alternatives to thread lift rejuvenation Dr. Beauty include:

Get Thread Lift Facial Rejuvenation at Dr. Beauty Today!

Dr. Beauty in Southeast Michigan is dedicated to creating the most youthful, rejuvenated, and lifted thread lift results possible.